Denali theme Settings Header tab
Header Settings
Hide logo from header. This will hide your logo from the header. You will find the logo uploader setting later in this page.
Disable the header Property Search Dropdown section. This disables and hides the Property Search Header Dropdown.
Disable the header Contact Us Dropdown section. This disables and hides the Contact Us Header Dropdown.
Disable the header Login Dropdown section. This disables and hides the Login Header Dropdown.
Disable the header Caller Card section. This will hide the Caller Card element from the header. More about the Caller Card later in this page.
“Property Search” label. This field will set the label for the Property Search Dropdown if you don’t want to keep the default. If empty, the default value will be displayed.
“Contact us” label. This field will set the label for the Contact Us Dropdown if you don’t want to keep the default. If empty, the default value will be displayed.
Create separate widget area for the header property search. This will create a new widget area for the Property Search Dropdown. You will find out more about widget areas in the Widgets section of this tutorial. This widget area will be called Header: Property Search.
Header Logo: There are two fields here. One text field to enter your site’s name instead of using a logo, and a logo upload field. You can either type a name you want to use instead of a logo or upload a logo image file. We suggest png files with transparent backgrounds for best visual results.
Caller Card
The following fields will display your business information on the header: Phone Number, Address. Both of them together are called the “Caller Card”. They can be disabled with the setting “Disable the header Caller Card section” shown above.
Text before phone number: This filed will make the text in it appear before the phone number. If empty, “Call Us” will appear.
Don’t display the address below the phone number on top of page. Self explanatory. Hides your address form the header.
Extra Information Fields
Organization Name, Primary Information, Fax Number: These fields will appear in a special area on the left side of the “Contact Us” Header Dropdown, in addition to the Caller Card fields (Phone Number, Address). If you don’t want to display some of these fields, leave them empty.
Header Contact Form
Here we have three fields that will change some preferences of the Contact Us Header Dropdown.
Form gives you the ability to choose which form you will use in the Dropdown. A default form is automatically created for you but you will need WP-CRM installed and active to be able to create different forms with extra / different fields. This tutorial will not cover form creation but you can jump to the WP-CRM tutorials to find out more about how to create custom forms.
Send Notifications To sets the email address that submitted messages from the Contact Us form will be sent to.
Email From Address sets what will appear as the From address on the emails you will be receiving with the Contact Us form. You should type something like “Contact Form”