New Google Spreadsheet format in WP Property Importer
Since Google has updated spreadsheet docs to new format you will get this warning -
_**Invalid Google Spreadsheet URL. Remember to copy and paste directly from your address bar when viewing a Google Spreadsheet.
**_At the moment we no longer support this format. The easiest way around is to convert googlespreadsheet to csv file. So the steps are:
- Open the old URL in browser, and it’ll redirect you to an updated URL, with a new “key”.
- Make sure the Spreadsheet is set to be accessible to “Anyone with Link”, if not done so already.
- Take the new “key” and insert it into the following URL:
spreadsheets/d/—REPLACE- THIS-WITH-KEY—/export? format=csv - Paste our new URL into the XML Importer’s URL field, click “preview”.
- If all works well you’ll see some data, after that, just make all the “XPath Rule” fields lowercase.
That’s it.
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