WP Property

is the leading WordPress plugin for creating and managing highly customizable real estate, property management, and completely custom listing showcase websites.


How WP-Property works

How WP-Property works

Set up any amount of attributes and taxonomies, group them and use one of 19 Data Input types.

Add properties to your site manually or from some feed in MLS, RETS, XML, CSV formats.

How WP-Property works
How WP-Property works

You will see property map on single property page and also you could set up Supermap with all or particular properties from your site.

Use one of 3 WP-Property themes which were written especially for WP-Property, fully compatible with it and will give you good looking templates.

How WP-Property works
How WP-Property works

If that not enough, check free WP-Property add-ons to enable PDF, set up Slideshow, add Agents, add Forms to submit properties and much more.